Can Liquid Chalk Kill Coronoviruses (COVID-19)?

Can Liquid Chalk Protect You From Coronavirus?
The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives. Businesses and public spaces have been forced to take extra measures to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
As such, many have sought innovative ways to continue doing the things they love while remaining healthy and COVID-free - and fitness junkies are no exception. Some rock climbers and weight lifters have turned to using ethanol alcohol-infused liquid chalk as a method of mitigating this risk - but does it really prevent coronavirus?
What Does The Research Say?
This question has been heavily debated and tested. To get to the bottom of this, let’s start by taking a look at what the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) say about materials that are effective in neutralizing different strains of coronaviruses.
On their official COVID-19 Hand Hygiene best practices guide, the CDC recommends the use of hand sanitizer formulas that contain concentrations of 80% ethanol or 75% isopropyl alcohol, because they’ve been effective in neutralizing viral pathogens similar in physical structure and properties as SARS-CoV-2.
A team of CU Anshutz researchers (who are coincidentally climbers themselves) tested one of these liquid chalks and its viability in neutralizing SARS-CoV-2. The experiment consisted of 36 pitri dishes spotted with lab-grown SARS-CoV-2 - a third was not treated, another third treated with laboratory disinfectant, and the last third treated with liquid chalk that contained 80% ethanol alcohol.
[like the one in the study, Grip Armor is 80% ethanol alcohol]
The results of the experiment showed overwhelming evidence that the liquid chalk was extremely effective in eliminating SARS-CoV-2, and it was at least as effective as the laboratory disinfectant.
This chart shows how liquid chalk containing 80% ethanol alcohol, after five minutes of contact time, eliminated

What Does This Mean?
Using a liquid chalk that contains 80% ethanol alcohol may seem like a viable means of protecting against COVID-19, but there are several other factors at play that we must consider.
The alcohol in the liquid chalk is only effective at killing viruses on a surface before it evaporates, allowing for a small window of any potential Corona-killing heroics.
Furthermore, the evaporating of the alcohol leaves hands cool and dry - which is very desirable for weightlifters and rock climbers. It’s also, however, an environment that Coronaviruses have shown a higher survival rate in, according to a report published by the Department of Homeland Security in April 2020.
So Does Liquid Chalk Kill Covid-19?
We don't know everything about protecting ourselves against COVID-19, but we do know that there are several measures we can all take to personally limit our risk of contracting and spreading this deadly disease - things like social distancing, regularly washing our hands, limiting in-person contact, and even using some liquid chalks.
Let's think of 80% ethanol liquid chalk as another safety precaution against Coronavirus. It certainly won't hurt, and as some studies suggest it may actually decrease your chances of contracting Covid-19.
That's what GripArmor was made for! To protect you hands from germs, as well as sweat, calluses, and fatigue. It's made of 80% ethanol alcohol, and is ready to help you return to the gym safely and responsibly.
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